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New support ticket
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Using the Admin App
Ignatius App
App Navigation
Access Application
Create Application
Add Table
Edit Table Name
Delete Table
Add Fields to a Table
Edit Field Name on a Table
See all 7 articles
Table Relationships
Add a Relationship between Tables
Lookup Fields
Summary Fields
Edit Relationship between Tables
Delete Relationship between Tables
Create and Manage Reports
Create a Table Report
Create a Summary Report
Create a Chart Report
Create a Calendar Report
See all 6 articles
Create Custom Forms
Custom Mobile Forms
Create a PDF Form
Edit & Delete a Form
Create a Word Form
Import, Purge and Export Data
Import Data into a Table
Manage Data Refresh Schedule
Manually Refreshing Data in a Table
Creating a Purge Schedule
Export Data from a Table
Formula Guide
Adding Formula Fields to a Table
Formula Types
Formulas: Text Methods
Formulas: Numeric Operators and Methods
Formulas: Currency Operators and Methods
See all 9 articles
Users, Permissions and Logs
Adding a User Role
Adding a New User
Audit Log
Create Automations
Enabling Notifications
Edit or Delete Notifications
Set Subcriptions of Reports
Creating a Webhook
SMTP Settings for Outlook
Custom Pages
Custom Page
Setting a Logo to an Application
Copying an Application
Ignatius - User Training
Training Guide/Exercise - Project Management App
Release Notes
20.4 Release Notes
20.3 Release Notes
20.2 Release Notes
20.1 Release Notes
20.0 Release Notes
See all 15 articles