1. Follow the first steps to add a report as described in a previous “Create a Report” subsection.

  2.  On the Add Report Window displayed, select Chart.

  3. On the Create Reports Page, Enter a Report Name. Select the Global checkbox if desired to allow all users to view the report. The users will not be allowed to edit the report.

  4. On the Create Reports Page, select the Chart Type you wish to create.

    Note: A report might be pre-loaded on the second half of the screen, however you will be able to update the details as needed.

  5. On the lower-half of the page, the Fields Window is displayed, select and drag the desired fields to the desired section (described below).

    Note: Some of the fields might already be pre-loaded under a section; update them as needed onto the following sections:
    • Report Filters:
      Under Report Filter, drag and drop any field you would like to use to filter the data. This will add a filter to the report that will allow selecting values when the report is displayed.

    • Rows:
      Under Rows, drag and drop the field(s) that will represent the variables or categories on your report.
    • Columns:
      The Columns represent the values that will need to be compared across the variables/categories on your report. The Values Field will be pre-loaded under Columns.

      You can drag and drop any additional field(s) to further break down the values in your report.
    • Values:
      Under Values, drag and drop the Values field(s) that need to be compared on your report. Once a field is added, click on the Sum icon next to the field, to select what function is to be performed on the value (i.e. Sum, Count, Average etc...)

    • Calculated Values:
      A custom formula can also be added to the report if the summary values are not sufficient. Click on the Add Calculated value button at the top.

      On the window displayed, enter the formula name, then enter the desired formula by selecting the fields and operations to be used within the formula.

      Click Apply when done.

    • Example of a Chart Report: 
      A Chart report can be used to display the distribution of sales in dollar amount by department. A Pie Chart can be used to represent the total dollar amount ordered for each category. 
      In addition, the report can also have a filter to allow selecting specific orders. The following steps will be taken:

      a) To filter the report by order, the order field is dragged onto the Report Filter Section.

      b) The report will be broken by item category. The item category field will be dragged onto the Rows Section to represent the variable/category of the report.

      c) The report will sum the total dollar amount sold for each item category. The Dollar field will thus be dragged onto the Values Section and the function Sum will be selected.

      d) Under Columns, the Values Field represent the values that will be calculated based on the selection (i.e. the Sum of the Dollar Amount). In this case, the Calculated Values will be displayed for each variable.

  6. When the report is displayed, you can filter the report if needed by clicking on the filter options displayed at the top right of the report. On the Filter window displayed, select/Unselect the desired values on the Filter window and click Apply when done.

  7. In addition, you can also use the filter option to filter the Variables or Values by specific conditions. On the Filter Window:
    • To filter the variables, click Labels and enter your filter criteria.
    • To filter the values, click Values and enter your filter criteria.
    • To sort the data, click AZ to Sort Ascending or ZA to Sort Descending.

    • Click Apply when done.

  8. When the report is displayed, you can also format the report fields as desired. To format the fields/values, click on the Format Icon at the top right of the report.

  9. Click Save Report when done.