A Summary Field is a field added to the parent table of a relationship to summarize fields from referenced records on the related child table. 

For example, a summary field called order count can be added to the customer table (parent table) to count the number of order records where each customer is referenced in the order table (child table). This summary field will thus display the number of orders placed by each customer.

You must first create a table-to-table relationship to be able to add Lookup fields on a child table. Please refer to the section “Add a Relationship between Tables” if you need to create a table-to-table relationship.


If you have an existing table-to-table relationship, follow the steps below to add lookup fields to the relationship.


To add a Summary Field by editing an existing table-to-table relationship:

1. On the sidebar menu, click on the drop-down arrow next to the desired table, and click Relationships. This will display the Table Relationships Page.

2. On the Table Relationships Page, next to the desired relationship click the edit icon 


3. On the Create Relations Page under Parent Table, click Add Summary Field button.

4. Enter a Name for the Summary Field and Click on the drop-down option to select the Type of Summary you wish to add to the parent table.


The Summary type can be a count of the related records in the child table, or can be the summary of any specified field in the child table.

If the summary type chosen is Summary of a specific field, you will have to select the following from the drop-down options:

  • A Field to Summarize (Column from the child table you wish to summarize) 
  • The Aggregate Function (Sum, Average, Min, Max) to perform on the selected field.  

For example, the Summary of a specific field could be the Sum of the dollar amount field from the child table “order”. The summary field will display the total dollar amount for each customer record in the parent table “customer”.


5. Select the 'Display a summary of this field report grouping' checkbox, if you wish to use this summary field in your reports.

6. Next, you will have the option to set a Filter for the report to only include specific records in the summary calculation.

For example, a filter can be set to only summarize the order quantity of a specific item across multiple orders.

7. Next, you will also have the option to select a drill-down report. The summary field on the parent Table will be clickable and once clicked, the related records in the child table will be displayed. 

The drill-down report option will allow you to select the report to be displayed when a user clicks the summary field. 

8. Select Save Changes when done.


9. At this point you can add other summary fields if needed by repeating above steps 3-5.


10. Click Save to update the Relationship when done.

Once the relationship is updated, the summary fields will be automatically added to the parent table.