A data refresh can be scheduled to automatically import data into your tables. This will ensure that your data is automatically updated regularly rather than you having to manually import the data. The data refresh can import data from the following:

  • A CSV Endpoint (CSV URL)
  • A JSON Dataset
  • A Database

A data refresh can be created while setting up a data import or at any point after that.


The data refresh is added to existing data imports that you previously created. To create data imports, please refer to the section “Import Data into a Table”. You will be able to create a refresh schedule for CSV Endpoint, JSON and Database Import Types.

Note: Multiple Data Refresh schedules can be created at any time. Simply follow the steps outlined in this section to add your schedules.

To schedule a data refresh:

1. On the sidebar menu, click on the drop-down arrow next to the desired table, and click Import Data. This will display the Import Data Page.

2. On the Import Data Page, locate the Import you wish to add a refresh schedule to and click the schedule icon next to the import.

3. On the next screen displayed, click Add Schedule.

4. On the Entry screen displayed, enter a Name for the Schedule and a Frequency (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years), and a Time of Day/Amount for the frequency (the interval of time or rate at which the data refresh needs to occur). For example, for a frequency of an hour: the data would be pulled from the Import location every hour.

5. Click Save Changes

6. If another schedule needs to be added, click Add Schedule and repeat Steps 4-5