A Purge Schedule can be set up to regularly delete records from your tables. This allows for data tables to remain clean with relatable data. You can schedule when a purge of records will occur automatically or use it manually based on preference.
To add a Purge Schedule:
1. Under the desired table, select the Import
2. On the top right of the page displayed, select the Manage Purge button
3. You are now On the Purge Home Screen, this is where all scheduled purges will be displayed, if any exist.
- Select Create Purge
4. On the Purge Screen, enter a Name for the Purge, a Description, a Frequency (Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years), and an Amount for the frequency (the interval of time or rate at which the data purge needs to occur). For example, for a frequency of 7 days: the data would be purged from the table every 7 days.
5. Under Filter data, enter the criteria that specify which records need to be deleted. To filter data, select All or Any (to specify whether All or Any one of the filter conditions need be true).
- Next, select a desired Column (field from your table), a Condition (for example “is equal to”), and enter the Value you wish to filter.
- Use the +/- Action buttons to add or remove criteria.
- Click Save Changes when done. At this point the purge would be complete, the data would be deleted from your table, and the refresh and purge schedules would be set.